kde4 launch menu

Paul S paulatgm at gmail.com
Sat Jun 7 17:43:01 UTC 2008

I prefer to use a mouse as little as possible.  I tried kde4 4.0.5 and 
can't figure a way to launch the menu or any of the launchers.  For 
example, in kde 3.5.9, I can use Alt-F1 to launch the menu and then 
press keys that spell out the particular menu item to select it with 
<return>.  Or, I use Alt-space to pop up katapult and type the name and 
hit return.

I can't find anything like this in kde4 nor do I find any keyboard 
shortcuts to specify.  But, the docs are sparse still, so maybe I've 
just missed it.

Any ideas how to do this?


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