Setting default page size for printing
Pastor JW
pastor_jw at
Mon Jun 2 20:40:13 UTC 2008
On Monday 02 June 2008 10:36:10 am Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Although in Kcontrol I have the default page size set as A4, any time
> I print (even from KDE apps) I have to change the Properties from
> "letter" to A4. Why? How do I fix that? Thanks in advance.
On my setup this is changed and saved in the Print box that comes up whenever
you print something. Over to the right there is a little box which
says "properties" where when opened allows you to change things about the
printer defaults, If you change something and then hit the save button at the
bottom, it will be your default the next time up. If you just change it, it
will use those settings this time but the next time up it will revert to what
it was. Useful for me because I occasionally print Photos which are both
higher resolution and on different paper. It reverts to my normal settings
when I'm done. That has always worked for me. I did not know there was even
a place to do this in Kcontrol.
73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n>< PDGA# 35276
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