Problems with KDE4 under Kubuntu Hardy

Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at
Mon Jun 2 03:41:20 UTC 2008

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 4:25 PM, Steve Lamb <grey at> wrote:
> Andrew Jarrett wrote:
>> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Steve Lamb <grey at> wrote:
>> Right click the desktop -> Add Widgets -> Find "Application Launcher"
>> -> Click on it and drag it to the far left of your task bar
>> It works for me.
>    On the desktop?  Well, then the icon appears on the desktop.  I drag it
> down to the bar and it goes *behind* the bar.  Now I have an icon completely
> behind the bar because of ths STUPID notion that we need to mouse over the
> icon to get the pop-up overlay which is the portion we need to grab to move
> it.  *sigh*

No, no; it's a single movement.  Drag "Application Launcher" straight
to where you want it from the "Add Widgets" menu.  Don't add it to
your desktop first.

>>> Hell, WinXP is better
>>> than KDE4!
>> ... Not that negativity again... go read the last 200+ thread on that
>> issue if you need to get your fix of kde4 sucks, dolphin sucks, or
>> kubuntu's LTS plan sucks.
>    I didn't participate in those threads since I had no experience.  I do now
> and am voicing my displeasure.  Don't like it /you/ figure out your filtering.
>  The shoe fits and yelling at people for expressing their opinion doesn't make
> KDE4 suck less.

1) This is not the thread to voice your displeasure.  This thread
started as a request for help.  Do you remember what the original
problem was without going back and looking at the original email? I
can't, and I doubt the OP will ever figure out a fix to the problem
because of this outburst of "displeasure" from so many users.  If you
really need to get off this "KDE 4 stress" that is weighing you down,
please move it to another thread.
2) Why should I have to filter my email?  I stick around here because
I like to help (aren't you?).  I shouldn't have to waste my time
filtering out irrelevant (off-topic) messages.
3) "The shoe fits"? I'm not sure I understand your metaphor.  If you
are trying to say that your opinions about KDE 4 are relevant to this
thread, then I'm afraid you're mistaken.  This thread is about the
*OP's* "Problems with KDE4 under Kubuntu Hardy" and not *your*
"displeasures" (as opposed to *actual* problems) with KDE4.
4) I am sorry if you misunderstood my message as "yelling".  I never
meant to discourage you from expressing your opinion.  I was trying to
suggest that this isn't exactly the thread to do so and my
"displeasure" at this thread verging off onto the wrong path.  Am I
not allowed to express my displeasure at you expressing your
displeasure (for the sake of where you are doing it)?
5) I am not the "guardian" of KDE 4.  I have my own displeasures with
it, but I never mentioned them (which, I believe, is exactly the


P.S. I am not trying to play the cop in any of this and I'm not trying
to be controversial.  I'm just begging for some logic.

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