Automatic reconnect to wireless network

Donn donn.ingle at
Fri Jul 18 20:16:30 UTC 2008

> It's easy enough to set up, but I don't actually know anybody who needs a
> wired _and_ wireless connection working at the same time 
I needed one to get my laptop going. I had the LAN cable in to access the web 
interface of my Access Point while I tried to contact the AP from the 
wireless device. It works for a while but you get really screwy problems and 
Ubuntu would often freeze.

> Why would Windows do it either?  
Same kind of thing. It complains if the IP's are the same on both, but you can 
bring the ifaces up and there's no odd business.

Another reason would be to contact two different networks from one machine. I 
am totally hopeless with networks, but I have it in my thick head that an 
interface can only reach a certain network that it's related-to. So, if you 
have a 172.16.200.x host and a 192.168.blah.blah host and you want to reach 
both of them you might want to use LAN and wireless at the same time.
Of course, me being a total idjit, there's probably better ways to do that :)


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