.ICEauthority file permissions

Paul Lemmons paul at lemmons.name
Tue Jul 15 22:25:37 UTC 2008

-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: .ICEauthority file permissions
From: "John Pierce" <john.j35 at gmail.com>
To: "Kubuntu Help and User Discussions" <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Date: 07/15/2008 03:11 PM
> Hello list!
> I have been using redhat/fedora for quite some time and now that I
> have switched to kubuntu
> I have found my distro of choice.
> One small problem though.
> I used to ssh into all of the machines on my local network and run yum
> update from the command line
> and apt-get update does not actually update the programs it just
> fetches the packages.
> If I run adept_updater from the shell with sudo then it changes the
> ownership of the .DCOP* and .ICEauthority file
> and my local user account then fails.
> Any thoughts would be helpful
I ran into this the other day.

assuming your userid is "john":

sudo chown john:john ~/.ICEauthority

That should get you back in business then:

aptitude update       To re-read the repositories and "update" local 
catalog of updates
aptitude safe-upgrade To perform "safe" updates
aptitude full-upgrade To perform las safe updates
aptitude clean        To clean up cache

I use aptitude instead of apt because it is smarter about reporting 
conflicts and offers solutions. I don't really know the differentiating 
factors that make an update "safe" or not. I do the two step process, 
though, because someone somewhere (probably smarter than me) thought to 
mark an update differently than "safe".

Sometimes I wonder.  Were our faith able to stand upright and look around, would it be looking down at the mustard seed or standing in awe of the height and breadth of it.

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