Kubuntu issues

Walter Kerkhofs walter.kerkhofs at scarlet.be
Tue Jul 15 20:55:23 UTC 2008

Op Tuesday 15 July 2008 11:57:24 schreef Paul Kaplan:
> Have you tried re-installing kdm?  You might also want to uninstall
> kdm-kde4. You can still get to kde4 from the command line with
> startx /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde
> Paul
Hi Paul,

I did try the command line and it worked greatm I am now typing this to you 
from within kde4.
I know what the problem is, the layout of the keyboard is wrong.
I wanted to fix it in system settings but I can not find it in the menu.
I cheked to see if system settings for kde 4 was istalled, and it is.

In kde 3.5.x the layout is fine.

Walte Kerkhofs


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