Good ol' Flash player problems on 8.04.1 amd64 with kubuntu

G. A. Gallup ggallup at
Sun Jul 13 12:40:31 UTC 2008

In Kubuntu 8.04 on my HP AMD 64-bit desktop, the standard 'add/remove'  
button in the menu brings up adept-installer.  In the 'Others' section  
there is a lines for installing 'Macromedia Flash Player' plugin for  
Firefox.  Is this what is wanted?  It worked fine for me.

Quoting "Gerald I. Evenden" <geraldi.evenden at>:

> Browsing though the [k]ubunto web pages I do not find anything beyond 7.x
> dealing with getting Adobe's Flash onto Firefox, etc..  Does one follow the
> instructions for Dapper or what?  The web is getting slightly dated.
> I wish Adobe would stop being such an a--hole and get a 64 machine going.  It
> shouldn't be that tough.
> A minor unrelated complaint is giving "names" to the various released.  Just
> plain old 1.2.3 thank-you.
> Thanks for any comments on the flash player problem.
> --
> The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due
> to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum.
> -- Havelock Ellis (1859-1939) British psychologist
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