Virtualbox with latest kernel - Gutsy

David Fletcher dave at
Fri Jul 11 08:18:17 UTC 2008

I was having a play with installing XP under virtualbox, running on 
Gutsy, last night.

I found that it won't work with the latest kernel, but does work with 
the latest-1. Sorry I'm at work now and can't remember all the version numbers.

Bruce Marshall posted a tip on 25th June about rebuilding vboxdrv by using:-
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
to recompile the driver against new kernels. I tried this and it 
won't work. Looking at the contents of /etc/init.d/vboxdrv I found a 
comment that somebody has removed the setup function especially for 
us (k)ubuntu users. Thanks.

Can anybody please tell how to sort this out, or point me to 
somewhere where it's already documented?



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