A modest proposal for proprietary drivers - little OT

Sylviane et Perry White spwhite at freesurf.ch
Thu Jul 10 04:51:16 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 09 July 2008 22:27, you wrote:
> If anyone else wants to be contacted and to help, please either reply
> here
IMHO that would be abusing the list, just filling it with "me too's" 
	*because of this statement I feel compelled to post to the list
	*but urge those having nothing more to add, to reply in private mail.
> or in private mail. 
> The project will require about ten minutes  
> investment a week per participant.
Note that occasionnaly posting some news or call for action here may be 
tolerated/encouraged. Although OT because not technically related I belive 
the list should leave *some* room for the interests of the Linux community.

Sign me in.


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