Strigi revisited

Pablo El Feo plberd-kubuntu at
Wed Jul 9 17:50:54 UTC 2008

I don't really think it's a bad decision to support striggi. Actually it has 
many pros... technically. But the results produced are still useless... At 
least with KDE3. KDE people seems to be integrating a lot with strigi... 
specially with nepomuk... althow they say it's all search-engine independent 
and it can be changed.
I hope what we have here is a project in (heavy) development. And tune ups can 
be done. To filter what it's indexed, to compress and/or compact indexes, to 
better categorize stuff, to better show the search results.
I haven't tried KDE4 yet, but I'm looking forward to experience nepomuk... maybe 
that's what's missing for strigi to succeed in... well... in actually finding 
But, I must say... Kubuntu let me down making it the default for kde3.



El Wednesday 09 July 2008 12:28:49 Scott escribió:
> O. Sinclair wrote:
> > Note: most of these bugs are filed so I dont see the point of re-filing.
> > I think KDE/Kubuntu has taken a very wrong decision here in making
> > Strigi default desktop search.
> I fully agree with you.  One of those bugs is mine and I still have yet
> to see a developer respond to it;
> The largest problem I have with Strigi is the massive amount of HD space
> it consumes.  On a newer system it took up 25GB which caused my laptop
> not to boot up.  A large number of people have responded to my bug and a
> few people state that Strigi took up over 100GB on their systems.  I
> can't believe something that takes up that much HD space is actually
> installed by default.  I really hope it is not going to be the default
> in 8.10.
> --
> Your friend,
> Scott
> Sent to you from a Linux computer using Kubuntu Version 8.04

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