startup script

Jim Douglas jdz99 at
Sun Jul 6 18:07:45 UTC 2008

I installed a firewall and want to make sure it starts up in the right place on reboot.

These are the instructions I am getting from the Firewall Builder site, they have nothing for Kubuntu...

                  The universal method is to put generated script in
                  /etc or /etc/firewall directory and add a line at
                  the bottom of script
                  /etc/rc.d/rc.local (Mandrake and
                  RedHat) or /etc/init.d/boot.local
                  (SuSE) like this:


This way, firewall script runs when machine executes
                  boot-time scripts. The name of the file is the same
                  as the name of the firewall object in Firewall
                  Builder GUI, with extension ".fw".  So, if
                  firewall object name is guardian, then
                  fwbuilder puts generated policy in the file

                What is the most secure process to start up at boot time?


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