Speech recognition

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Jul 4 18:06:28 UTC 2008

Nigel Henry wrote:

> Looking at the example above, and assuming that everone spoke exactly the
> same way (no problems with different dialects), the computer would still
> need to understand the context of what was being dictated, so as to print
> "there", "their", or "they're". of course when you bring different
> dialects into the equation, it gets really complex.

There are two ways to do speech recognition, though.  The generic way is a
long way from identifying dialects and accents, but the other method allows
individual users to train the program.  That should have little trouble
with one person dictating a book, but often fails if you get a cold!  In
either case, homonyms are going to be difficult.


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