Kubuntu Files report: was "Re: How to clean out ~/home"

david d.mcglone at att.net
Fri Jul 4 13:35:42 UTC 2008

On Thursday 03 July 2008 11:43:56 am Nigel Ridley wrote:
> david wrote:
> > On Wednesday 02 July 2008 8:53:25 am Bas Roufs wrote:
> >> Dear Paul, Dear Everybody
> >>
> >> A safe, but time consuming method may be as follows:
> >> * make a back-up of all your personal files and e-mails at another
> >> computer or at an external HD
> >> * generate a KUBUNTU FILES report containing an overview of all the
> >> software installed at your PC
> >> * back-up this KUBUNTU FILES report also elsewhere
> >> * make a fresh install 'from scratch' at your HD while reformatting/
> >> overwriting the old configuration.
> >> * after installing the basic stuff, use to the KUBUNTU FILES report to
> >> add to it all the software you have been using before.
> >>
> >> If you are interested, I can explain in more detail how to generate and
> >> use a KUBUNTU FILES report.
> >
> > I'd be interested in this. :-) I maintain a couple kubuntu installs for
> > family and when I do a fresh install for an upgrade I get tired of
> > configuring everything all over again.
> You could try looking here:
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/quick-reference/ch-package.en.html#s-reco
> It is for Debian but should work for Kubuntu

Thanks Nigel. sometime In the next couple days I will be upgrading my 
mother-in-laws laptop from  7.10 to 8.04. I've decided to do 2 fresh installs 
with each instruction set from you and bas and see how things work with each.

This is something I really need to tackle because I've managed to get 3 people 
to leave windows and I am trying to find ways to impress them and show them 
that linux is the better choice.

David M.

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