Strange keyboard problem

Thomas K. Gamble tkg at
Wed Jul 2 19:24:57 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 02 July 2008 08:41:20 am Wulfy wrote:
> Thomas K. Gamble wrote:
> > After upgrading my system to Hardy (64 bit),  for some strange reason the
> > numlock key led works in reverse.  The led is off when the numlock is on
> > and the led is on when the numlock is off. It works normally when I boot
> > to a console, so it appears to be either X or KDE that is causing this. 
> > I can't find any settings that might be misconfigured.  Anyone have any
> > clues?
> I noticed the same thing when I upgraded to Hardy on my 32-bit system.
> My work-around was to install the Keyboard Status Applet on Kicker and
> use that the force the light(s) correct.

This seems to work although I'd like to know why the problem is there in the 
first place.


> --
> Blessings
> Wulfmann
> Wulf Credo:
> Respect the elders. Teach the young. Co-operate with the pack.
> Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between.
> Share your affections. Voice your opinion. Leave your Mark.
> Copyright July 17, 1988 by Del Goetz

Thomas K. Gamble
System/Network Administrator, Cyber Systems Security Officer
Chemical Diagnostics and Engineering (C-CDE)
Los Alamos National Laboratory
MS-J565,p:505-665-4323 f:505-665-4267

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.
    Henry Kissinger

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