building packages from hardy source for gutsy

Jonathan Patrick Davies davies.jpatrick at
Tue Jan 29 19:07:13 UTC 2008

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Donatas G. wrote:
> What is the command to execute that sets up the sources, once I have
> downloaded the appropriate
> 	kdesudo*.tar.gz
> 	kdesudo*.diff.gz
> 	kdesudo*.dsc
> files?

One way you could do it is (assuming you have hardy deb-src's in

      apt-get source -b packageName

This shall fetch the sources from Hardy and build the package.

Or: you can do it the way I do when I prepare backports; install prevu, make
sure that you can Hardy deb-src's and do:

      $DIST=gutsy sudo prevu-init

This will take a while as it makes a gutsy chroot, etc. When this is done,
you'll never have to make the base tarball again. However if you wish to keep
up-to-date remember to run: "sudo prevu-update"

Once all is prepared do:

      prevu packageName

And it will make a Gutsy chroot and install all necessary dependencies to build
and when it's all done building the package, it will delete the chroot (doesn't
require any development stuff installed on your system) and dump the new debs
in /var/cache/prevu/gutsy-debs/ for your installing leisure.

Hope this helps,
Kubuntu - Pure KGX

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