lanzen lanzenesi at
Tue Jan 29 08:08:22 UTC 2008

On Monday 28 January 2008 19:21:33 Sylviane et Perry White wrote:

> I tried to have a quick look on that forum but I don't know to what part
> you are referring.

Sorry, the last bit got cut off. Here is the full link:

> Another mail (from OdyX): The guy modified a script " smssend" (that
> connects you to the different sms portals) to connect to  the "Xtra-Zone 
> de Swisscom". 

I think this is the one. I just did a "kontact sms" search in google and that 
was one of the results.

> It seems clear that either you use your mobile to send or go through a 
> provider that will bridge internet and mobile system, and both options 
> probably exist.

Yes, these seem to be the ways to get it going. I have a Nokia N70 and tried 
different ways to get it to communicate with kubuntu, but besides succeeding 
in getting a connection through KPPP and doing some little data exchange on 
bluetooth, nothing else worked even with kmobiletools.

The mobilenumber at used to worksome time ago, but I have not 
tried that recently. It's much easier to simply compose a message on the 


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