Command line stuff from Kmenu
Dotan Cohen
dotancohen at
Sun Jan 27 08:36:54 UTC 2008
On 26/01/2008, Michael Leone <turgon at> wrote:
> On 1/26/08, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> > Knapp wrote:
> >
> > > On Jan 26, 2008 11:09 AM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Put the command in ~/bin/arbitraryName and chmod it +x (be sure that
> > >> ~/bin is in your path). Then make a link to it in Kmenu.
> > >>
> > > I tried that and still no go. I don't have a bin dir in home. Did you
> > > mean the normal one?
> >
> > No. What's wrong with _creating_ one? iirc, the default bash setup for
> > users adds ~/bin to your path _if_ you have one.
> I don't think the OP knows that. *I* didn't know that, until you mentioned it.
I did mean that it should be in the user's home directory. That's what
~ implies. And yes, if ~/bin does not exist then go ahead and create
it. The file should also start with #!/bin/bash as the first line, and
needs the executable bit.
If the OP is still stuck, then he should google "bash scripting". I
don't mean to be a dick, but there is lots of material on the subject,
and knowing how to google will help him find answers faster. That
said, I've also been guilty of asking a question on the list when a
quick google would do, however, those situations are usually when I
don't know what keywords to google. That's why I mention to google
"bash scripting". Adding the name of your distro (in this case,
kubuntu) doesn't hurt, either.
Dotan Cohen
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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