Strigi results

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Sun Jan 27 03:26:51 UTC 2008

Michael W. Holdeman wrote:
> On Saturday 26 January 2008 14:20:00 D. R. Evans wrote:
>> O. Sinclair said the following at 01/26/2008 06:11 AM :
>>> Honestly,
>>> does anyone get something meaningful out of Strigi?
>> I can speak only for myself, but I can't imagine how Aaron Seigo (who gave
>> the recent KDE4 Keynote speech) could possibly think that strigi is
>> remotely useful in its current form.
>> Drop it and use Kerry/beagle, that's my advice.
>> Desktop search seems to be one of those blind spots where there have been
>> several attempts to get it to work well on Linux, but none of them has come
>> even close to what's available on Windows, and none of them has really
>> worked as well as one would like. No doubt it will be licked at some point
>> in the next couple of years (and it could well be strigi that emerges as
>> the best application) but it seems to be taking surprisingly long to get it
>> right.
> I personally like google desktop, very fast and easy to understand, biggest 
> drawback, I cant get it to run in kde4..
So far I have not seen one positive reply on this issue. Time to check 
out Google Desktop then I guess, am not a FOSS religious person. 
Kerry/Beagle I hear is good but heavy on resources?


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