Something About File Managers

Derek Broughton news at
Sat Jan 26 15:23:20 UTC 2008

Dave Vincenty wrote:

> nepal wrote:
>> there has been some FUD about Konqueror ... Read this;
> Thanks to everybody who responded to my question, especially with those
> links.   The article from KDE News answered all the questions I hadn't
> thought to ask yet about Konqueror and Dolphin, and I guess I'll be okay
> FTPing with Dolphin or maybe Krusader if I need to.

See, I don't quite agree with that article - or therefore that everything
said about Konqueror losing functionality is wrong (though it's certainly
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt: FUD usually bears connotations of
intentionally spreading such, while knowing it to be false).

He says: "the "Up" arrow is still available on the toolbar even when
browsing Google Maps, but it is totally irrelevant in this context; another
is having a web bookmarks toolbar visible while sorting icons in your /home
folder".  There's a distinct implication there that they want to eliminate
that sort of behaviour - and I _like_ that behaviour.  Perhaps it's true
that an Up arrow on Google Maps is useless.  But there are _many_ web sites
where it's not.  I'm currently doing a lot of Plone development, and the Up
arrow always takes me to a valid page on my Plone sites.  Similarly, since
I want konqueror to be my primary file browser, and always have an FS view
in at least one tab, I always want bookmarks available no matter which tab
I'm viewing.

And I hate "breadcrumb" file selectors - that's the thing I've always hated
about the gtk file dialog, but I find it interesting that the first comment
says the '"breadcrumbs" mode would not be a good fit for Konqueror as the
mode is not useful for webbrowsing'.  How odd, then, that so many web
frameworks (including the above mentioned Plone) use breadcrumbs. 

In short, it hasn't removed any of _my_ Fear, Uncertainty or Doubt. 

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