Accented characters
wulfmann at
Sat Jan 26 13:01:42 UTC 2008
Rosalind Mitchell wrote:
> On Saturday 26 January 2008 11:52:09 Wulfy wrote:
>> If you go to the keyboard layout section of
>> (KControl/Regional&Accessibility) or (System Settings/Regional &
>> Language) and select the "gb" layout on th right you'll see the setxbmap
>> command-line options. Mine says:
>> setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout gb
>> There are also variants "basic", "intl", "dvorac" abd "mac" which would
>> appear after a "-variant" option. I think that's the easiest to compare
>> what we have.
> mine says
> setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout gb
> and I have the same variants.
> I wonder what your extra key is? (A quick count suggests that I have 108
> keys...)
> Rosie
Hmmm A quick count gives 106 keys on my keyboard... <:@)
I honestly don't know what "extra" key(s) I have... if I have any at all.
I found the accents and other characters almost by chance. Here's what
I found:
<AltGr><letter-key> gives other letters or symbols
<AltGr><punctuation-key> followed by <letter-key> gives accents
There are two layers - one with just the <AltGr> key and one with
For example:
"<AltGr>p" gives "þ" which is the "thorn" character used in Modern
Icelandic, Old Norse and Old English.
"<AltGr>z" gives "«" and "<AltGr>x" gives "»", the French quote marks.
The other letters produce more things...
All the following are the "dead keys" that are used to give accents to
the next character pressed:
"<AltGr>;" gives acute accents
"<AltGr>'" gives circumflex accents
"<AltGr>#" gives grave accents
"<AltGR>[" gives umlauts
"<AltGr>]" gives tildes (like ñ in niño)
"<AltGr>=" gives cedillas
"<AltGr>/" gives a dot below.
"<AltGr>:" gives double acute (on "o" and "u")
"<AltGr>@" gives caret (like an inverted circumflex) used in Polish(?)
"<AltGr>~" gives a sort of "cup" sign over a
"<AltGr>{" gives the circle over the a used in Scandinavian languages.
"<AltGr>}" gives macrons.
"<AltGr>+" gives something that looks like a cedilla but backwards...
(can you tell I don't speak any languages but English? :@) )
"<AltGr>?" gives a dot above.
<shift>ing that character gives the capitals, as usual...
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