Accented characters

Rosalind Mitchell rcm at
Sat Jan 26 10:32:43 UTC 2008

Goedemorgen Bas,

On Friday 25 January 2008 23:45:22 Bas Roufs wrote:
> Is there any major difference between the GB and US keyboard apart
> from the Pound and Dollar signs?

On the GB keyboard the double-quote is Shift-2, and pound sign £ Shift-3, with 
the @ and # characters given their own keys amongst the punctuation.  The 
position of the Euro € sign tends to vary I think but I have it as AltGr-2.  
(Although as a one-time City backroom bod I tend to use GBP, EUR, USD etc.  
As I do Perl work I use the $ heavily for non-currency stuff.) There are 
other differences in the layout of punctuation keys.


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