Accented characters

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at
Sat Jan 26 08:36:15 UTC 2008

On Friday 25 January 2008 23:45, Bas Roufs wrote:
> Is there any major difference between the GB and US keyboard apart
> from the Pound and Dollar signs?

Depends how you define "major".  The basic qwertyuiop is, so far as I have 
seen up to now, the same, but other characters are different; and that is a 
real pain.  I can't use the command line with a US keyboard because, although 
I now know where to find " and @, I haven't got a clue where | (pipe, not the 
9th letter of the alphabet) or ' or` are.  It doesn't help, of course, that 
my physical keyboard is GB (or rather, English, since as pointed out it 
doesn't cover Welsh or either form of Gaelic). :-(


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