Something About File Managers

Chris Gow sniffy at
Fri Jan 25 13:53:52 UTC 2008

On Friday 25 January 2008 00:47:09 Dave Vincenty wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> Anyways... correct me if I'm wrong here, but Konqueror is a
> multi-purpose program with a front-end patterned after Microsoft's
> Explorer... a file manager at heart which also contains a Web layout
> engine called KHTML (which is also at the heart of Apple's Safari) to
> handle HTTP and such protocols and display Web content.  In addition to
> that, it contains embedded components called KParts that let it display
> different kinds of files without having to open a new window or load a
> whole new program.  In addition to these things (that I think have been
> talked about already), it contains KIO (short for KDE Input/Output), so
> that it can handle remote files out there in the world someplace the
> same way it handles local files.
Yes, Konqueror is a multi-purpose application. Any KDE application can embed 
KParts, its not a Konqueror only feature. Same with the KIO slaves. So, for 
example in Kate you can open and save a file via ftp (ftp://) or ssh(fish://) 
or any other mechanism that you have a slave for.
> Okay, so here comes my point.  Konqueror is my file manager and my FTP
> client and my web browser for the purpose of testing stuff.  It's easy
> to say, open a few tabs at various folders on my hard drive, and open a
> few tabs at various folders in a Fedora-based web server that I'm paying
> for access on, and start editing things remotely in Kate (after I've
> connected via FTP using Konqueror), uploading other things, and looking
> at previews of both images and HTML pages on my local directories.
As far as I know, you will still be able to do that. You will/are able to 
configure Konqueror to be your file manager instead of Dolphin. Dolphin 
however, is the default file manager for KDE now.
> I'm sorry if this has already been asked and answered (since I've tried
> to pay especially close attention to anything that mentions Konqueror),
> but if Konqueror is changing, where can I find out exactly what's going
> on, and if I need to start using something else, what can I use to
> manage both local and remote files and test Web content as easily as I
> always have with Konqueror under KDE 3?
The konqueror mailing list is kfm-devel at You can look at the archive 
at gmane ( I'm not subscribed 
to the list, nor do I monitor it, so I can't tell you how much traffic is on 

You /should/ be able to keep working pretty much exactly as you currently are 
in KDE 3. As I say above, you can configure Konqueror to be your default file 
manager. If you choose to use dolphin, you can continue to manage 
local/remote files and use a separate web browser for testing web content.

Personally, I haven't had any problems with using dolphin so far. Others on 
this list don't like it, so YMMV.

-- chris
> Sorry about the length of this post, by the way.
> ~~ dave ~~
> ---
> I'll have a sig file, someday.

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