Gmail hides my own kubuntu-users posts

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at
Fri Jan 25 00:00:43 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton <news at> writes:

>> That's basically what I do, although mutt is my primary MUA. 
> In KMail, you just set "keep replies in this folder" on the folder
> properties (because, of course you keep your list posts in separate
> folders :-) ), 

I basically configured both mutt and kmail to make the inbox the outbox.
If you read the links I provided, I basically follow those advice and
have three kinds of email folders: inbox/outbox, archive and mailing

One thing I really love with kmail is the search folders.  Combine that
with the labels, and it becomes a much more powerful than the 'ordinary'
folders, IMO.  GMail really got that right.

> Not _entirely_ true.  A filter can pass a mail to a pipe, so strictly
> you could have the pipe add a label header and drop the mail back into
> Inbox.  iirc, this is exactly how the spam filters work.  Still, it's
> something that would be much more usable if a simpler hook was
> provided for the user.

That's cool. I never considered using the filters to do this.  
Now, if we could only had the ability to show arbitrary headers...

John L. Fjellstad
web:          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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