Syntac error.

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Jan 24 22:30:22 UTC 2008

Jim wrote:
> Trying to to install, install-crossover-standard-6.2.0(3).sh and I keep
> getting Syntacs Errors, I have run the install two different ways, but
> still syntacs errors.
> $ sudo ./install-crossover-standard-6.2.0(3).sh
> or
> $ sudo sh install-crossover-standard-6.2.0(3).sh
> What is the correct way to install ?

I suppose the problem is the (3) part which is treated wrong by the shell. 
Try to escape the braces like this:

sudo sh install-crossover-standard-6.2.0\(3\).sh

Or use quotes like this:

sudo sh "install-crossover-standard-6.2.0(3).sh"


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