Blackberry Sync Help Needed

Ralph De Witt ralphdewitt at
Wed Jan 23 14:06:15 UTC 2008

I just bought a new Blackberry Pearl handheld, so far I have been unable to 
sync it to Kde Pim Using KitchenSync. The device is plugged in I see it in 
Kinfocenter but do not have a icon for it in storage media, and kitchensync 
does not see it this could be because I have not personalized the device and 
assigned a pin to it and have not added a micro sd card etc. I was trying to 
add the barry software to try. But need to add a updated Opensync module and 
a libopensync kdepim module. Can anyonehelp me by pointing me to a software 
repository were I can get the needed bits and pieces to make this work. And 
help with any advice. I also do not think this install of Kubuntu is set up 
to build software. I am short of time and if I can not get it to sync I will 
have to turn it in and try a palm treo perhaps. Thanks for your help.


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