I did Adept update on Kubuntu 7.10 tonight -- rebooted -- desktop is blank!

roger at rogerchrisman.com roger at rogerchrisman.com
Wed Jan 23 02:55:27 UTC 2008

[I sent this 10 hours ago; I don't know why it has not shown up on the
list yet so sending again. Thanks. /Roger]

Fixed it!

_Here's how:

I logged into a *failsafe* session (Login screen > Menu icon (at
bottom right) > Session type > Failsafe). Then I rebooted. Then I was
able to log into a normal KDE session just fine. Desktop icons, KDE
Panel, all restored to normal. Yeah!

I don't know what had caused the problem but maybe the failsafe
session login and logout washed the problem away, whatever it was.


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