I did Adept update on Kubuntu 7.10 tonight -- rebooted -- desktop is blank!

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 19:56:57 UTC 2008

Did you install KDE4? it might be part of the picture.
If you hit ctrl+alt+backspace, it should kill X and start it again. That might 
do something.
Check your ~/.kde folder (and recursed) permissions. They might not be 
writeable/readable in places. You could rename ~/.kde to ~/.bloodyhell and 
then restart KDE (just kill X) and let kde remake it all for you.
Is sounds like something is dying - you gotta find out what.
You can check the ~/.xsession-errors file for clues.
dmesg may give you something. Perhaps it's hardware that's failing.
To get to a console, try Ctrl+Alt+F1. (or F2, F3 etc.)
Rename your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file as .dud
run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  to re-create it. That might help.
Ctrl+Alt+F7 goes back to X.
If all else fails then try to boot into non-gui mode. This is something I am 
fuzzy on. It's something like telinit 2 but I am unsure of the number. If you 
get it right it should take you to a console where you can start kde with 
startkde and watch for error messages.
There are likely other logs you can find, none spring to mind now.

Sorry for the list of rambling ideas - you gotta put your gear on and become 
Sherlock for a while.

Good luck, keep us posted.

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