understanding "kubuntu users mailing list"

Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 16:10:03 UTC 2008

On 1/21/08, Donn <donn.ingle at gmail.com> wrote:
> > ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> I gotta know, what does that block mean? I've seen it around and it always
> puzzles me. Is it a version of brainfuck? Or some ascii-art?
> \d

I believe it dates back to 19th Century Egypt during the rule of the
feared King Muhutmatan (the one that had those pointy things built).
Although its true meaning is yet to be deciphered, it can be roughly
translated as: "Screw cats! In hindsight (hindsight is in the
subjunctive transitive here: "---)@ 5 X") penguins are much more

Seriously though, I think it is a PGP key ("Pretty Good Privacy"), but
I'm not really sure.


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