kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 36, Issue 121

WANSTALL Malcolm malcolm.wanstall at cnh.com
Mon Jan 21 00:23:51 UTC 2008

D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
>Especially Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express users, which software 
>is all but completely impossible to use to format a message correctly.

>It's not impossible, but you have to do everything by hand, and even
>I'm not that anal about message formatting, so I post broken messages 
>with that junk too, when I'm forced to use it, which is thankfully 
>very rare.

I'm forced to used Outlook here at work so I've written a few little
AutoHotKey scripts to format list replies old-school style. It may not
work perfectly but it ends up being so much easier to read!

I don't really care whether a thread is top or bottom posted, as long as
the indentations (or >>>'s) are right then it's pretty easy for my
feeble mind to handle.


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