OT - Understanding "The Bible"
Richard S. Crawford
rscrawford at mossroot.com
Sun Jan 20 19:08:35 UTC 2008
On Sunday 20 January 2008 10:55:14 Billie Walsh wrote:
> Probably going to make a few enemies here.
> First. Contrary to what some people believe, the Bible was not written
> by God. He did not sit down at his royal typewriter and pound it out.
> The Bible is very much a work of man. Different books were chosen for
> inclusion or exclusion by how certain people felt they were relevant.
I think the most pertinent question here is, "What does the Bible say about
Linux and Kubuntu?"
The answer is found in the last chapter of Exodus, wherein we find the
And behold, Erijabahanibar did speak unto the Israelites and he did give unto
them a new commandment which was that thou shalt not talk about thy gods in
an electronic mailing list dedicated to open source technologies, unless thy
god be Linux Torvalds, Mark Shuttleworth.... and so on. Ramen. (Exodus
45:1-3, 9 - FSMV)
Powerful words, and still applicable even today, whatever your faith.
Richard S. Crawford
Editor-in-chief, Daikaijuzine (http://www.daikaijuzine.com)
Personal website: http://www.mossroot.com
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