How do I flush swap?

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Sun Jan 20 07:28:38 UTC 2008

I was doing some printing on my Feisty box through KDE and chose to 'Preview' the print 
job first. The first print job was OK but when I tried another one (again with 'Preview') 
suddenly the computer went real sluggish and even the mouse pointer would move erratically.
After about a minute the print job started and the memory usage (I have 1GB) went back 
from using everything, including quite a bit of my swap file, to normal.

Q. How do I flush/clear the swap file which is still showing a chunk in use?

nigel at nigels:~$ free
              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       1035776     878456     157320          0     136148     503312
-/+ buffers/cache:     238996     796780
Swap:       522072     158004     364068
nigel at nigels:~$



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