KDE4 just too slow
Eduardo Robles Elvira
edulix at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 21:36:36 UTC 2008
El Sábado 19 Enero 2008, Brendan escribió:
> > Just because it is using more ram doesn't mean that it is slower.
I didn't say the contrary - I just said it used more ram, not that because it
uses more ram it's slower. The problem of course is that if you are short of
ram, you end up swapping.
> > KDE 4
> > is way faster than 3.5 in many arenas, and the fastest at starting up. I
> > am noticing a little bit of a larger memory footprint myself, but I think
> > that might be due to a little bit of a memory leak here or there. I
> > notice sometimes when I am for instance working on a wiki page with
> > Konqi, the system gets super slow for a bit, then out of nowhere it
> > cleans itself up and then rocks on again.
> Agreed. I just think all the negative attention on KDE right now is
> hilarious. These are the same people who poo-poo'd all new ideas and
> desperately tried criticizing them so they could feel mighty. I follow SVN
> and it gets better with every 'svn up'.
It's true and it's sad because KDE4 has a big potential and already has very
good things. Konqueror includes my Ctrl-z patch, which can undo closed tabs.
Try it! closed an open tab, and then you think "ouch, I want that back!".
Fine, press ctrl+z and there you have it ;-).
that's why I'm using it, although not as a desktop but I'm using some KDE4
apps. Pointing that it's true that (at least at the moment) it uses more
memory than KDE3 is only a matter of fact, and it's a good thing to know for
developers. There has been some discusion over that (remember the "KDE4 uses
39% less memory than KDE3"?) so I wanted to test it and show my results. Just
There has been some negative attention on KDE4, but rejecting constructive
criticism isn't going to help the project either.
Furtheremore, as I read sometime ago in aseigo's blog, we need to always get
the positive side of everything. So If someone say "KDE4 sucks because app X
crashed to me", we should ignore the "KDE4 sucks" part, and put attention in
the "app X crashed to me" part. Tell him to report a bug, report it yourself,
and if you are developer maybe try to fix it.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man." (George Bernard Shaw)
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