KDE4 just too slow

Richard cms0009 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 22:39:21 UTC 2008

On Friday 18 January 2008 5:28:59 pm Eduardo Robles Elvira wrote:
> El Viernes 18 Enero 2008, Douglas Phillipson escribió:
> > I've found KDE4 WAY too slow for use.  After clicking an Icon for an
> > application it takes 2 seconds just to get launch feedback, then the app
> > takes a long time to show up.  It's pretty but doesn't seem too
> > functional yet.  (Kind of like GNOME)  8-)  Had to go back to 3.5.8 to
> > get some work done.
> >
> > Doug P
> KDE 4.0.0 uses more ram than KDE3, and more CPU in many cases. Things like
> double buffering all the widgets can be a cause of this.
> Also, the code is a base and needs to be optimized (example: plasmoids
> rotations), and many bug fix work needs to be done. Maybe it's called 4.0.0
> and maybe that was the best thing to do as aseigo and other developers have
> stated in their blogs, but that doesn't mean that users should use it as
> their working enviroment.
> As a developer and as a KDE poweruser which wants to help, I use KDE 4.0.0
> from time to time, to have some fun and to find and report bugs.
> At the moment I'm using 3.5.8 as my desktop enviroment, but I'm also
> running some KDE4 applications: kopete, konqueror, konsole, kwrite and
> kate, which are applications that I daily use and whose KDE 4.0.0 version
> is stable enough for me.
> If you are short on ram and wants to try running kde 3.x and 4.x
> applications, take into account that will take some extra ram in order to
> load libraries and daemons from two different DE (qt3, qt4, kdelibs4 and
> kdelibs5, etc).
> Have fun!
>        Eduardo Robles Elvira.
> --
> "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
> persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
> depends on the unreasonable man." (George Bernard Shaw)

Well, after this, wait for 4.1.1

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