KDE4 just too slow

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at kubuntu.org
Sat Jan 19 16:34:23 UTC 2008

On Saturday 19 January 2008, Eduardo Robles wrote:
| KDE 4.0.0 uses more ram than KDE 3.5.8 in my system. I installed exmap and
| sorted by Effective Resident memory usage column, and launched
| kmix,konsole,konqueror with two tabs,ksnapshot,klipper and kwrite. Both
| without composite activated and within Kubuntu Gutsy freshly started in a
| machine with 900Mb of RAM and no swap usage. The result: total memory usage
| with KDE 3.5.8 is 123Mb, and with KDE 4.0.0 is 161Mb.

Just because it is using more ram doesn't mean that it is slower. KDE 4 is way 
faster than 3.5 in many arenas, and the fastest at starting up. I am noticing a 
little bit of a larger memory footprint myself, but I think that might be due 
to a little bit of a memory leak here or there. I notice sometimes when I am 
for instance working on a wiki page with Konqi, the system gets super slow for 
a bit, then out of nowhere it cleans itself up and then rocks on again.

One good thing is the impressive and aggressive release schedule for KDE 4 now.

 - Feb.	KDE 4.0.1
 - Mar.	KDE 4.0.2
 - Apr.	KDE 4.0.3
 - May	KDE 4.0.4
 - Jun.	KDE 4.0.5
 - Jul	KDE 4.0.6
 - Aug.	KDE 4.1

So pretty soon we should be kickin' some arse!

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at kubuntu.org
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