Alternatives to Kubuntu, was Re: KDE 4.0.0!

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at
Fri Jan 18 14:57:05 UTC 2008

On Thursday 17 January 2008 06:42:13 am Billie Walsh wrote:
> On 01/16/2008 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > I'm calm, but I am looking for a 'home' distro. For two years, that
> > was Fedora for me. When things got too unstable for everyday work, I
> > jumped ship and I've been with Kubuntu for about a year. With all the
> > MS converts that I do I need a very stable distro, as I'm the only one
> > providing tech support to people who's first impression of Linux is
> > whatever I install for them.
> I don't know what (K)Ubuntu support cycle is for sure but my thinking is
> that for at least the next six to eight months 7.10 is going to be
> viable. Probably somewhat longer than that before things start getting
> to far out of hand. By that time KDE should have most things
> straightened out and everything should be pretty stable. That should
> just about get us up to Kubuntu 8.*. Then might be a better time to
> upgrade.
> I don't know how many converts you make a month but when I started using
> Kubuntu it was 7.4 and almost immediately went to 7.10. [ now, OK I
> admit that's not really such a big jump maybe ] and it was no HUGE deal,
> and I'm just an average home user. I made the switch and kept on
> truckin'. I'm sure anyone should be able to go through an upgrade
> without major trauma. After all the upgrade/update cycle is way shorter
> than that OTHER OS so you better get used to them. Call it a "learning
> experience".

<random thought>
<incorrect thinking>

Why not make 7.10 the LTS for Kubuntu and let it run as LTS until Ubuntu 8.04 
LTS expires?  Or, have the Kubuntu/Ubuntu LTS windows staggered.  Seems to me 
that Canonical has unnecessarily locked themselves in on which versions 
should be termed LTS....  If 8.04 is the wrong time for Kubuntu due to the 
flux state of KDE, then go back a version or two.

</incorrect thinking>
</random thought>


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