KDE 4.0.0!

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Jan 17 18:21:30 UTC 2008

Billie Walsh wrote:

> Sylviane et Perry White wrote:
>> On Thursday 17 January 2008 16:24, Wulfy wrote:
>>> By synecdoche[0], KDE 4.0 *is* KDE4... to say it's not KDE4 implies it's
>>> not even *part* of KDE4, which is patently false...
>> Well... I'm not mankind and that implies I'm not even part of it, doesn't
>> it? The OP just meant you can't juge a set from one of its parts.

Er, no.  You are not _all_ mankind, yet it's perfectly acceptable to say
that you _are_ mankind (odd, yes; archaic, certainly; but still correct).

> However, as there are no other parts at this time, KDE 4.0.0 would the
> "whole" of KDE4. Therefore KDE 4.0.0 = KDE4 and KDE4 = KDE 4.0.0 .

Impeccable logic :-)  

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