KDE 4.0.0!

Terence Simpson stdin at stdin.me.uk
Thu Jan 17 14:43:43 UTC 2008

Wulfy wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> (KDE 4.0 is not KDE4).
> Several times I've heard this now so I have a question (not just to 
> Dotan, who is only quoting what the KDE Developers said).  If KDE 4.0 is 
> not KDE4, what is it?  It's not KDE3...
Basically "KDE4" is the names given to the whole series starting with 
4.0.0, in the same way the "KDE 3.5.8" isn't "KDE3", but it is a part of 
the "KDE3" series.

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