screen trashed, Help

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at
Thu Jan 17 04:00:58 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 16 January 2008 08:10:32 pm Fred Schuelzky wrote:
> Andrew Jarrett wrote:
> > On Jan 16, 2008 8:29 PM, Fred Schuelzky <phredsky at> wrote:
> >> Andrew Jarrett wrote:
> >>> On Jan 16, 2008 7:49 PM, Fred Schuelzky <phredsky at> wrote:
> >>>> I just installed Gutsy on my new new computer, everything was fine
> >>>> until I booted up today, the desktop  graphics are unreadable.  I'm a
> >>>> noobie and don't know what to do .
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks
> >>>> Fred
> >>>
> >>> How so?  Is the problem resolution, fonts, etc.?
> >>>
> >>> Andrew
> >>
> >>  Hi Andrew
> >> I think the problem is resolution.  The login screen looks like a lot of
> >> little screens.  I had to pull the plug.
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Fred
> >
> > What brand video card do you have?  Were you using the restricted
> > drivers (the ones provided from the nvidia or ati)?
> >
> > Try using your install CD for Kubuntu.  Boot off of the CD and if the
> > graphics work (doesn't have to be perfect), then copy the file
> > /etc/X11/xorg.conf (generated by the live CD) to the etc/X11 directory
> > on your Kubuntu installation.  Restart and if you copied it correctly
> > you should have a working display.  After this you can play with video
> > card drivers, resolution, etc.  I'm not exactly sure of the origin of
> > your problem, but this should put you back on track.
> >
> > Andrew
> Thanks Andrew
> First my graphics adapter is a nvidia Ge Force 6100 n Force 405.  I
> believe i did use the restricted drivers.  This afternoon I was playing
> with themes and changed my display to a different resolution, I think it
> was 1280 x 768 trying to make the screen easier to read.  I also d/l
> thunderbird and tried to add the Lightening add-on it wouldn't  work.  I
> finally gave up on that one.
> Any way Ill try to boot up the live cd and see what happens.

You don't have to copy a brand new xorg.conf file.  Chances are there's a 
backup version in the /etc/X11 directory already.  Even if there's not 
editing the one that's there to have a resolution that works is easy enough.

sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

scroll down until you find the "Screen" Section
Looks like:
Section "Screen"
In that area you'll find display settings with the resolutions inside double 
quotes.  Just change the one for your color depth.
You'll find yours by finding the "Defaultdepth" entry just below the "Screen" 
part.  It'll have a number like 16 or  24 beside it.
Go to that depth (or change all the depths just in case) and change it to what 
worked. (hit "i" to insert).  (be careful in the default version of VI that 
comes with Gutsy.  If you are in insert mode  and hit the arrow keys you'll 
add new lines with D's or A's and such.  so after you have changed some text 
and want to go to a different line hit the [Esc] key.)
"1600x1250" or "1400x1050" or "1280x768" if its a 15" wide screen typical of a 
lot of laptops today.
Hit [Esc] then " : " then type wq and restart.  You should be good to go.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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