Alternatives to Kubuntu, was Re: KDE 4.0.0!

Graham grahamtodd2 at
Wed Jan 16 13:46:23 UTC 2008

On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 14:17:18 +0200
"Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at> wrote:

> I should mention here that I really, really like Fedora, but I do not
> use it as I find it too bleeding edge (read: unstable) for everyday
> use. So it would be ironic that I go back to Fedora as a daily driver
> due to Kubuntu getting too cutting edge.

That's the beauty of Debian.  You can set it up to use "stable",
"unstable" or "testing" repositories - with the stable ones really NOT
cutting edge.

Debian, on the other hand has an awful installer IMHO, so I use Mepis
to install the system.



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