(Newbie) [sudo] password stagnation - a few questions more.
Girard Henri
girardhenri at free.fr
Wed Jan 16 15:07:38 UTC 2008
you just made a syntax error :)
it's not sudo passwrd but sudo passwd root for exemple
but that's not a good thing as people would say ! lol
i always work in root (blame on me !!! lol)
Bas Roufs a écrit :
> Dear Terence, Andrew and Henri, Dear Everybody
> Thanks for your quick answers. Here I summarise them.
>>> ... This is how sudo is supposed to work, just type your password in and hit enter, it's not printed when you type it. ....Right. It is a little awkward to not have anything echoed back when you type (not even *'s), but don't worry about it. Just type it in and hit enter. ....Normal !!!! it 's sudo passwd ...
> Now, I check whether I understood you well. A few minutes ago, I exactly
> followed up your advise via the so-called 'root shell':
> * typing the password without waiting for the *** or any other feedback
> coming from the screen
> * simply hitting enter.
> And indeed, a slightly different result came out. The 'root shell'
> console shows now the following feed-back:
> root at Viaconsensus1:~# ¦
> With the "¦" I symbolise a cursor I see blinkering on the screen, one
> position right of '#'. 'Viaconsensus1' is the name I have given to the
> computer when I installed Kubuntu on it. Does this imply that I am able
> now to give in commands for which I would need this root access password?
> However it may be, it seemingly only works like that via the 'root
> shell'. The other consoles still seem to stagnate when I give in there
> 'sudo passwrd': they do not recognise any more 'sudo' or 'passwrd'. Has
> this to do with the fact that I STAY in the root area after one time
> correctly giving in a password?
> Respectfully yours.
> Bas.
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