Advice on Partitioning ?

Bill Vance kbun at
Tue Jan 15 10:19:28 UTC 2008

On Mon Jan 14 05:36:22 2008 Derek Broughton wrote:

>Bill Vance wrote:
>> On Sun Jan 13 20:12:54 2008 Clark wrote:
>>>Can someone suggest a good place to start reading up on the subject of
>>>Partitioning and if possible the software used and where to get it.
>>>Wine is way too exotic for me at this stage.
>> If you're dealling with kubuntu 7.04, hang it up;  It's completely
>> incapable of dealling with anything more complicated than a, "swap",
>> partition, and a
>> single, "/", partition, which contains everything.  _ANY_ attempt to
>> create more partitions, using any of the available file systems, simply
>> generates
>What utter crap.  What have you been smoking?  I've been using
>separate /, /home, /var, /usr and swap partitions since Warty.  Since
>that's too many for primary partitions, I've been using a mix of Primary
>and Logical partitions.  Since Dapper, /home, /var and /usr have even been
>on an LVM.  I'll admit that the LVM initially caused me a few headaches,
>and I'm still not convinced it was necessary or even wise, but separating
>(at least) /var and /home from the more static partitions is always a good

Agreed;  I like to keep them _all_ seperated.  As to your first question,
I've been smoking my shorts and shooting up shoe polish, trying to match in
with the altered consiousness state of the daemonmic entity that set up
install software incapable of dealing with making partitions and file systems
that work.  Nice that it works for you, but that don't help me worth spit.


               *                                              *    
    RKBA!      *        Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!!       *       4-19!
               *                                              *    

An _EFFECTIVE_  | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no
weapon in every |  by Colt;  | --Max Planck             | weapon, sell his
hand = Freedom  |    Dial    | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a
on every side!! |  1-911-A1  | Word.  --The Holy Bible  | sword. --Jesus Christ


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