
Derek Broughton news at
Mon Jan 14 18:01:47 UTC 2008

Art Alexion wrote:

> On Thursday 10 January 2008 13:57:39 Derek Broughton wrote:
>> I don't think you're _ever_ going to find that in a Linux environment.
>> What's the value?  Linux users mostly don't care if it's all-in-one, and
>> developers are actively against it.  It breaks the principles of using
>> one tool for one action, decoupling interface from implementation, and
>> enabling migration of data.
> Right, but you can do something along the lines of Kontact that integrates
> the parts.  

I completely agree, but the OP didn't want to do that.  I think something
that could provide an Access type form & report front-end to any relational
database is workable, desirable, and might even get the resources needed
for development, but to do it in a single app, tightly coupled to the
database is just not likely to happen.

If somebody could figure out how to import the forms & reports from access
into such a tool, it would be a dynamite app (importing the queries is
trivial, and ODBC can already handle the actual data and table

> The killer, at this point, in heterogeneous environments is the 
> inability to work with the forms, queries and reports.

I agree (there are tools that will handle the query part).  

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