KDE Programs Naming Convention

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Mon Jan 14 02:33:17 UTC 2008

Larry Hartman wrote:

> I don't have the whole conversation to see who said what to whom, not sure
> it matters, not into reading others angry words for fun.
> I just want to say that I sorry to see several people whom have been
> preeminently helpful and useful to the greater Kubuntu List--and folks who
> have earned my respect because of their help toward me--get tangled up
> with each other in this discussion.
> I am not making any judgments here, like I noted, I haven't seen the whole
> discussion, just want to suggest that maybe some cool down is necessary
> and perhaps this specific thread should be shut down.

I HATE when people say threads should be ended.  Who are you to judge?  This
_is_ a valuable thread, and I'm stunned at the number of people who think
it's a pointless argument.  

Specifically we've argued about whether k3b is a useful name.  I think,
though Dotan decided to make personal attacks, that he has a valid point -
and I think I was right that it's cultural.  As far as I'm concerned - and
I think it goes for anyone raised with the Anglo- advertising
consciousness - a brand name is _built_, and we come to connect the brand
with the product.  How the name is chosen isn't important.  Dotan needs
names to actually have intrinsic meaning.  That makes no sense to _me_, but
if people really need that, we need to consider it.  I'm not sure people
_do_ generally need that - even in Israel, I imagine there are many
products sold that have names with no intrinsic connection to the product. 
otoh, in Portugal last spring, I noticed products with identical branding
as in North America _except_ for the name ("Tide" comes to mind), so
perhaps they were renaming them to make more sense in the culture.

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