KMail from many platforms

Sylviane et Perry White spwhite at
Sun Jan 13 13:51:06 UTC 2008


Just for feedback (but 2 questions at the end)

On Thursday 03 January 2008 20:33, Derek Broughton wrote:
> >> it's all pam based, and if the mail user has a linux account, that
> >> should be used.
Not sure in my case; that created different mailboxes  :o(
I wanted to access one mailbox from many places instead.
So I created a non-login user account for that very mail account I 
wanted.  ;O)
I belive I got the situation about right on the Ubuntu side, at least it all 
>  It's _pam_ based.
>  If you have a passwd file, you've been messing too much with the config. 
I took care of that too. It didn't take me very long.

What took me a longer than expected was the Suse side.
9.3 is quite old and so was the dovecot version in Suse's repos, plus there was security warnings concerning Suse 9.3 and dovecot. So I installed from sources.
I had no success with the dovecot.conf from Ubuntu: probably a pam problem.
Trying to correct this I introduced other errors into that conf file, and the dummest the error, the harder to find (like having login_user = pmail instead of dovecot, the error messages led me to belive there was something wrong with pmail before I realised it was only in the wrong place).
I gave up with pam and used a passdb passwd-file instead.
I had to find out that when "/usr/local/sbin/dovecot -F" issued from a shell did not return the prompt I shouldn't "ctrl+c" it because it was nontheless active and able to issue error messages if I launched Kmail.
I also figured out why "/etc/init.d/dovecot start" failed to work, simply because it had to be adapted for the different paths of my install.


Concerning the suggestion of Nils: changing the "folders=..." in kmailrc,
I experienced problems when I changed that "folders=" from an old copy to the actual folders in Suse, that had an extra folder (the one for Ubuntu's list ;o)   )   and lost (just a copy) of my mails. 
I cannot swear the loss of mail was really a consequence of this manipulation, but it makes me cautious.


Some unanswered questions are:
Can I infer from dovecot "Build options: ioloop=poll notify=dnotify ipv6"
that it was built without pam support? 
BTW 	./configure --help says (snip)
 --with-pam              Build with PAM support (default)

Are there more risk in using two versions of dovecot on the same set of data
(Maildir) or in running the dovecot on Ubuntu from Suse (with the exec option in fstab for that partition)


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