KDE Programs Naming Convention

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 10:29:41 UTC 2008

> > What does "Dotan" mean?
> It is the name of a valley in northern Israel, just south of today's Afula.
Being a name of some other place is not the same as 'meaning'. Or am I wrong?

> I would prefer that those who find that they do not know the meanings
> of their names, or the names of their places of residence, answer
> that.
Oh, I wasn't asking, just observing my ignorance.

> in Israel, most of the places have Hebrew,
> Arabic, or other Semetic names, which are still partially decypherable
> in everyday speech.
That's another good point - English stems from a milkshake of older languages 
and we (I speak of my generation in South Africa) sure as heck did not learn 
Latin in school, and that's a huge disconnect as far as language goes. I 
think people in Europe and places that still speak "old" languages (or modern 
ones with a direct person-to-person link back in time) have an advantage as 
far as meaning/interpretation goes.


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