KDE 4.0.0!

Girard Henri girardhenri at free.fr
Sun Jan 13 08:28:34 UTC 2008

kde3 wasn't so good at beginning :)
more craps than kde4

D. Michael McIntyre a écrit :
> On Saturday 12 January 2008, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
>> I have to disagree here.  4.0 is the NEXT release in the KDE series, its
>> supposed to be better.  KDE 3 was way better than KDE 2.whatever, as I
>> recall, and KDE 2 was better than KDE 1.  We have a long history of
>> expecting better, not "as good".   What you are saying sounds like you work
>> for M$.
> My recollection is that the 3.0 series was just enough of an improvement over 
> 2.2 to make it worth bothering with the buggy upgrade.  3.1 was an 
> incremental improvement, but still plagued with problems, and everything 
> since 3.2 has been an increasingly pointless upgrade.

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