KDE Programs Naming Convention

TED FISCHER ka8sep at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 11 21:42:57 UTC 2008

>(A few days later)
>ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?
>COSTELLO: How do I turn my computer off?
>ABBOTT: Click on "START".............
>----- end quote of JOKE! -----
>Kelly L. Fulks
>Home Account
>near Huntsville, AL

ROTFLMAO! And it also points out the absurdity of this whole thread in a very 
humorous manner..

K3b, and the explanation given earlier, for Kde's Burn, Baby, Burn was the 
best explanation I've heard yet. And easy to remember too. :)

Kelly, Very funny.
  My 2 cents, I liked the older graphics in K3B that had a penguin holding a disk and a blowtorch, while wearing a welders mask. 
  That left little doubt to what the program was for.
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