
Neil Winchurst neil at
Fri Jan 11 09:11:22 UTC 2008

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:59:10 +0200
"O. Sinclair" <o.sinclair at> wrote:
> I think Kexi might be what you are looking for, this is from the Kexi FAQ:
> "    Q1.2: How to use database servers with Kexi?
>      A1.2: First, note that you do not need to use database servers at 
> all - you can use file-based builtin database server built into Kexi 
> (SQLite-based, very much like MS Access, but a bit more robust).
>      If you want database servers, PostgreSQL and MySQL are supported. 
> Create a new blank database project on server using Kexi's startup 
> dialogs. Kexi will ask you to define connection data with connection 
> dialog and select database name, so you will be able to just pick this 
> predefined connection later. You can also use command line options to 
> create and drop database projects. Also read here (october 2004)."
> I think I might try it out myself, I have "almost live" data in a 
> interbase database from the windows-side I would like to build an app for.
> Sinclair
Thanks for that and for all the other answers received. It does look as
though kexi is going to be the nearest one to what I am looking for. I
will look at it more closely. At the moment I am using Edgy which is
getting a bit old, so my version of kexi is also old. I expect to move
to Hardy in April which should have more up to date versions of
programs, and is the next LTS version I understand.

Thanks again

Neil Winchurst

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