KDE Programs Naming Convention

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Jan 10 18:53:28 UTC 2008

Martin Walshe wrote:

> On Jan 10, 2008 4:17 PM, Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
>> >> If you want the normal why are you on a linux distro?
>> That's lowering the argument to name calling.
> Sorry i phrased that badly.
> What i was getting at is if people are unwilling to accept change then
> they should stick to the normal that they are used to be that windows or
> mac. My problem with this topic is i feel that the person merely used the
> applications names as an excuse to hide an unwillingness to change from
> their preferred windows environment

And I agree, but it's clear that there's no consensus even among people who
love the distro on what constitutes a reasonable name.

Take my new favorite app - Tellico.  Is it a good, bad, or indifferent name? 
It seems that some here would say it's good simply because it isn't either
named kTellico or TelliKo.  Maybe it would help if you knew what it was? 
It's a collection management program.  It _was_ called (iirc) BookDB - back
before Robby realized it could manage far more than your book collection.

Personally, I hate the name, but it meets all of my criteria: it's simple,
it's memorable, and it's identifiable.  It's a better name than Access.

Whatever your position, I think it's a safe bet that (a) the k will continue
for a long, long, time and (b) people will continue to think up some really
stupid names - and most of us won't really care.

As for the argument itself - I think it's important to have this discussion,
though I'm not sure it'll affect much development.

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